Friday, February 17, 2012

The New Pinterest Obsession

I know a lot of you may have already jumped on the bandwagon of
Follow Me on Pinterest but for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about,
Pinterest is a new website that is designed to pretty much
be your own personal pin board.

I actually really like the concept and idea and I think it's
a wonderful website to get a lot of inspiration from.

You can create different boards of your favorite things.
I have a board for things I would love to have in
my future home, things that I love, things that
inspire me, DIY projects that I want to try
and a board of fashion that describes my own personal style.

I actually just created a board called JaaackJack
where I'm going to start posting my own tutorials
on there so it's easier to find and easier to see.

(I got this idea from my good friend Evelina Barry, so credit to her!)

Here is my first one I'd like to share with you guys.
If you saw my recent JaaackJack's Beauty Tip video then
this may look very familiar.

If you have Pinterest be sure to pin this image if you like it
and share it with all of your friends!

Pin It

Here is the video for this in case you haven't seen it yet.

Have a Magical Day!
xoxo Jackie Perdue

Follow Me on Pinterest