Sunday, March 4, 2012

Moving Experience- Last Post

Moving has been a really fun experience and I think the first two
days were probably the hardest but after that it's just little 
things like setting up cable and internet, and cleaning up
all the boxes and trash bags.

Here are two pictures I posted on my Instagram (JaaackJack)
The top one is pretty much how my place looks now.
And the bottom picture is the totally awesome Keurig and Carousel 
my parents bought for me. I'm in loveeeee! haha

For more details and info on how my whole moving experience 
has been please check out the video below. I just posted
a vlog of my moving experience and I hope you all enjoy!

Thanks for your support!

Have a Magical Day!
xoxo Jackie


  1. look at me all stalking you on your blog! haha I was editing mine and saw yours so I hadddd to see what it was all about of course! jelly of your keurig! =)

  2. Hey dear. i really like your videos on you tube.
    Have a nice day :)

  3. Great video...Love it :)

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