Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Generation Beauty by Ipsy

For any special event most people give themselves a lot
of time to get picture perfect.... Unfortunately for me
I woke up 4 hours late on the day of the Gen Beauty event!

So I didn't have time to get picture perfect or style the perfect outfit
I got ready in 5 minutes and did my makeup in the car.
Oh let's not even mention that I didn't even touch my hair,
that's legit bed head right there! hahaha

Even if you don't feel or look your best you have to ACT your best!
That's the only way you'll be able to recover from a
hectic crazy-I'm super late-rushed type of morning.

So... that's what I did. I might have looked really gross at the event
but I still had such a fun time meeting you guys and meeting 
super big popular youtubers like MICHELLE PHAN! :)

Plaid Top- Forever 21
Black Tank- Cotton On
Emerald Pants- Forever 21
Black Wedges- Charlotte Russe

I actually filmed a tutorial with FAWN so that
will be up on their channel so keep a look out! :)

xo Jackie


  1. Wish I could of met you! I was only at the event on Saturday and traveled back home to San Diego on Sunday. :) Maybe next year. I know Generation Beauty is now selling tickets for next year so hope to see you then.
    Take care,

    Amanda Alise

  2. So fun!! I wish I was able to attend....I guess I need to move back to Cali since all the events are there^_^

  3. UGH! I wish I could've been there to meet you!
