Thursday, December 18, 2014

Budget Planner

In case anyone is interested in seeing how I plan to organize my budget and expensive next year!
Here is the little layout I came up with and I plan on doing this every single month.
I really hope I stick to it! Here's to those (just like me) who need to get better at saving and budgeting! It's time for us to grow up and be adults and stop spending money whenever we have it, time to be smart with our money! Good luck!

Feel free to write this yourself in your own planners or print this picture out and use it like that. Whatever it takes to help you with your budgeting :)

xo Jackie


  1. I discovered this great app called YNAB (You Need A Budget) It works great and helps you save and plan for regular expenses.

  2. I just used your design to set up my own budget book as a new year's resolution! Thanks Jackie :) Here's to our success! <3
