Sunday, April 28, 2013

Draw My Life

These kind of videos have been trending like no other and I can see why.
Draw my life videos are so interesting to see because we get a glimpse
into peoples lives and they share their stories with us and you can see how
certain events have helped shape and mold people into who they are today!

I gotta warn you though- if you're attempting to film a draw my life video
it is NOT easy. I planned and prepared for over a week and when
it came time to film, it look me over 9 hours. None the less I was still
able to finish it and share it with all of you!

I'm so happy I did this video because it has allowed me to open up to
my viewers in a way I wasn't able to. And reading all of your comments
have seriously brought me to tears! You guys have no idea the impact
you've made in my life, I appreciate and love you all so much!

I hope you enjoy!
xo Jackie


  1. I love You.... your amazing person inside and out :-) more magical day :-D mwuah

  2. I love watching this video :-D

    You poor girl, why didn't you tell your parents about the bullies? Was it really JUST because you didn't want them to go to your school to make a scene? I want to understand cos my younger daughter (the one same age as Katie), was also being bullied in High School. Same as you, she never told us.

    We only learnt about that from our Family Doctor around when she changed to another High School for her Senior Years. We asked her why didn't she tell us, she just said, "I don't know!" I felt like a fail mother - I didn't see any signs, I didn't protect her.

  3. Jackie, I saw your video and I can see so much more than I was able to previously. I understand the importance of your vlogs now and I can relate to you.
    You are a strong girl with an amazing willpower to stand for what you believe in. I respect that in young women because it's not easy to follow your path especially when you feel like you're just floating there. Keep up the good work and keep smiling. :-)
