Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Morning Hike + Outfit of the Day

Woke up at 5:45AM this morning to go on a long and vigorous hike
with my friend Torri. We actually ran a lot during our hike because
we saw so many bugs and lizards... oh we even saw a snake!!!!
Super scary stuff, but hiking is our favorite type of workout.

Here's a picture of me at the top of the mountain! They
call this Potato Chip rock (it should be called Pride Rock instead) 
it may look SUPER scary but it's more of an illusion. If I fall off, yes 
I will hurt myself but it's not a far enough drop to be fatal or anything like that.

After hiking I just ran some errands and now I'm about to film my
April favorites and this is a video you DON'T want to miss because
I'm gonna let you guys know how you can win a FREE iPad!!!!!

Stay tuned!
xo Jackie


  1. Jackie, I'm very proud of you - not your achievement in YouTube (since a lot of people have already said that), but your willingness to get up in such early hour to hike. And I'm very happy for you to have found your favorite workout. The bugs and lizards are not that scary to me (we have plenty in Australia), but snake (even though we've got plenty in Australia too) X(

    I think in a way they would be your motivation to run faster ;-D
